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Conformance Checking with MPM specifies one or more happy paths for which the deviation of the event log is calculated. To each process path in the log the most similar happy path is assigned. Therefore, the sequence of activities of each real process variant is compared with the sequence of the happy path. Activities and edges can have the following properties:


They are correct, which means the observed behavior corresponds to the behavior in the happy path.

They are wrong, which means the observed behavior cannot be found in the happy path.

They were skipped, which means they are listed in the happy path, but do not occur in the reality.


The MPM Conformance Checking algorithm evaluates the characteristics of each edge and node and calculates the Happy Path Fitness metric. This metric shows the deviation between model and reality in a range of 0-100%. This allows the analyst to quickly identify particularly good or bad process variants on the Conformance Checking worksheet and also to directly see which deviation has occurred.


The following screenshot presents an example of a happy path with the 10 most common process variants and the calculated Happy Path Fitness metric. The deviations from the happy path are illustrated in red.


Conformance Checking Example