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Set up the MPM eXecution modules

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The MPM eXecution Template offers the implemenation logic and the sheets for the five standard MPM eXecution modules.


Hence, the MPM eXecution Template app contains:


1.The complete but modified MPM Template App script in the data editor.

Modified because the MPM eXecution modules require a new set of logic to close the loop between editing in the front-end and reloading the new information. A first overview on the modifications is given in this section: Understand the general structure of the MPM eXecution Template App script

2.The MPM eXecution module's sheets, but not the MPM Template App sheets. Here you learn all about The MPM eXecution Modules.


The recommended workflow to enhance a MPM Template App with MPM eXecution is first set up a running MPM eXecution Template app with the script configuration of the target Template App

4.test the MPM eXecution apps functionality

5.and then as soon as the eXecution environment is working fine, the script and the MPM eXecution sheets are copied to the target Template App.