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In order for the DialogBox extension to be displayed correctly, the following must be configured in the Dialog Popup List:



"Dialog Title": The title is displayed in the header of the DialogBox

"Button Text": The text is displayed on the button that opens the DialogBox

"Button Text Align": The Positioning of the button text. The default values are left, right and center

"Button Text Size": The size of the button text. The possible values are standard, medium and large.

"Button Text Color": The color of the button text.

"Show Button in Full Size": Select the checkbox if you want to display the button in fully size.

"Button Icon": Select the button icon from a variety of predefined symbols.

"Button Background Image": Choose the background image of the button.

"Button Background Color":

"Dialog Width in %": Set the dialog width.

"Dialog Height in %": Set the dialog height.

"Master Object": Select the master object that should be shown in the DialogBox

"Add html Paragraph": Choose whether you want to add an HTML paragraph. When you do, it appears in the pop-up window

"Select sheet for navigation": If you select a sheet, a button will appear at the bottom of the DialogBox. By clicking the button you are redirected to the selected sheet.


Configuration_Popup List1_new


Configuration_Popup List2


In addition to the settings for the appearance of the DialogBox in the popup list, the layout of the extension can also be adjusted in the Appearance dialog:



"Show titles": Switch the button to "on" in order to display the title

"Title": Set the title of the DialogBox

"Subtite": Set a subtitle for the DialogBox

"Footnote":  Set a Footnote for the DialogBox

"Toggle off hover menu": Check this checkbox if you want don't want the "more" and "full screen" icons to appear when hovering over the extension

"Show details": Switch button to "on" in order to display detailed information such as measures and dimensions




Alternate states

"State": Set the state to "inherited" if you want to add the object to master visualizations

Configuration_Alternate States1

Dialog Settings

"Show Dialog Title": When selected, the dialog title will be displayed

"Show Export Button": When selected, the export button will be displayed

Configuration_Dialog Settings