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Navigation: Developer Guide > MPM eXecution > Set up the MPM eXecution modules

Deploy MPM eXecution in an existing Template App

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1. Open your MPM eXecution Template App and the MPM ProcessMining Template App in which you want to intergrate MPM eXecution.

2. Open the data editor in both apps.

3. Copy the following tabs from the MPM eXecution Template to the MPM ProcessMining Template by replacing the tabs there.

a.0. Init MPM eXecution

b.the 0-tabs for the modules you want to activate (e.g. 0C. Init Module Actions)

c.0Z. Variable & Table Control

d.1C. eXe: Load Event Log - if you use the MPM eXecution module Manual Activities

e.4. eXe: Conformance Checking - if you use the MPM eXecution module Conformance Checking

f.5A. eXe: ActionCreation - if you use the MPM eXecution module Rules

g.5. eXe: Root Cause Analysis - if you use the MPM eXecution module Rules or Critical Paths



j.11. Update CriticalPaths / 12. Update Actions / 13. Update ConfCheck - if you use the respective MPM eXecution module


When you replace existing tabs in the MPM ProcessMining Template App it is recommended to change the tab-name to the eXecution-tab-name. Thus, you will not be confused in the future on which type of code you are looking.


Those tabs that you have not replaced in the MPM ProcessMining Template App - add the correct if-condition to it, so that the tab is not reloaded when a delta load is triggered by a user edit. When all five MPM eXecution modules are used, the if condition embracing the tab-scripts would be


if $(mvDeltaLoad) = 0 and  $(mvDeltaLoadQueries) = 0 and  $(mvDeltaLoadRules) = 0  and  $(mvDeltaLoadConformance) = 0  then 


.... tab script


end if


4.Run the script. If the load succeeded, go to step 5.

5.Now go to the app overview of both apps and copy the MPM eXecution sheets you need to the MPM ProcessMining Template App. You do this by clicking right on the sheet of interest and select copy. Then you go to the target app and click right on the app overview and select paste.

6.Now open the pasted sheet - unfortunately the master elements could not be copied, therefore,

a.for master items and measures check which were used in the source app and enter them manually in the target app.

b.for master visualization go to the source app and get the master visualization on a sheet. Unlink it there, then copy it to the target app and define it as master visualization. Place it were it was before.

7.The sheet should show the same data as the sheet in the source app before.

8.Make a test edit for each module to test every delta mode in the MPM ProcessMining Template App.