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In order for the extension to run, the following dimensions and key figures must be configured in the Data dialog:  


Individual Properties

"Variable used for SetExpression": Variable for restricting the displayed process variants. Default setting: mw_selectedProcessPath. If an alternative state is set in the extension, a new variable must be created for it.

Qualifier used for log generation: Qualifier that is used for log generation. Default setting: empty


Important: Click the Update all properties button after each change.

Process Analyzer - Individual properties


Nodes are also called Activities or Events

Learn how to change the measures on the nodes



Color by dimension value (hex values, e.g., #bca670) which should be linked to ActivityType



"Dimension: ActivityTypeID": ID of the event

"Dimension: ActivityType": Description of the event

“Dimension: ActivityGroupID”: ID of the group



Only master items with the tag “Process Analyzer” are in the options list. This is for a better overview

You can select a master item as the definition. Otherwise, you can use the fixed fields to define custom dimensions/measures

Default setting: No master dimension/measure is selected


Key figures in default:

"Measure 1": Frequency of occurrence of the events; displayed in the node label on the left side

"Measure 2": Average processing time of the event; displayed in the node label on the right side

"Measure 3": %-cases with activities; displayed in the donut chart of the event (should be a relative key figure between 0 and 1)




Color by dimension value (hex values, e.g., #bca670). which should be linked to the EdgeID



"Dimension: EdgeID": ID of the edge



Only master items with the tag “Process Analyzer” are in the options list. This is for a better overview

You can select a master item as the definition. Otherwise, you can use the fixed fields to define custom measures

Default setting: No master measure is selected



Key figures in default:

"Measure 1": Frequency of occurrence of the edge

"Measure 2": Average waiting time between two events

"Measure 3": %Cases


Configure in- and outgoing edges for groups:

Decide which type of aggregation should be used for edges that are collapsed in one in- or outgoing edge for a group

Select the format type for edge measures when group nodes are shown

Provide the format that is used for the calculation of edge measures when groups are shown



Process Paths


"Dimension: ProcessPath": Process variant

"Dimension: ProcessPathUniqueNo": ID of the process variant


Key figures in default:

"Measure for process path": Frequency of occurrence of the process variant

Process Analyzer - Process Paths

Activity List

Required for the ProcessModeler


ID of the activity which is generated as a list in the mpmX Engine

Default setting: AL_ActivityTypeID



Only master items with the tag “Process Analyzer” are in the options list. This is for a better overview

You can select a master item as the definition. Otherwise, you can use the fixed fields to define custom dimensions/measures

Default setting: No master dimension/measure is selected



Description/name of the activity which is generated as a list in the mpmX Engine

Default setting: AL_ActivityTypeDescription_EN

Activity List_ProcessAnalyzer

Group Nodes


Color by dimension value (hex values, e.g., #bca670) which should be linked to the EdgeID



“Dimension: GroupLabel”: Name of group

“Dimension: GroupID”: ID of group

“Dimension: ParentGroup”: ID of parent group



Only master items with the tag “Process Analyzer” are in the options list. This is for a better overview

You can select a master item as the definition. Otherwise, you can use the fixed fields to define custom measures

Default setting: No master measure is selected


Key figures in default:

“Measure 1”: Sum of activity frequency of all activities within the group

“Measure 2”: % Proportion of cases that include at least some of the activities from the group

“Measure 3”: number of distinct activities within the group

Group Nodes_ProcessAnalyzer



PrincipalObjectType: The leading object type of an activity (if it has multiple ones)

PrincipalObjectTypeColor: The assigned color for principal object types ObjectType: The object type of an activity, according to the executing case object type

ObjectTypeColor: The assigned color for object types



mw_selectedObjectTypes: The object types that are shown in the Process Analyzer are stored in that variable



Process Analyzer OCPM

In addition to the settings for the dimensions and key figures, the layout of the graph can also be adjusted in the Appearance dialog:


Graph Settings

“Show Grouping”: Switch to turn grouping on/off

"Top X ProcessPaths": The assignment of the "Top X" button in the control bar

"Happy Path": A Happy Path can be entered directly in this field. Alternaively, the field is filled by the ProcessModeler or it remains empty

"Base color": Influences the default color of nodes, edges and labels (including fill levels)

"Happy Path color": Defines the color of the Happy Path

"Deviation Path color": Defines the color of deviations from the Happy Path

"Layout Algorithm": Choose the layout algorithm that fits your need best (performance vs. optimal layout)

"Max rendering duration": Algorithms terminates findings the best layout

"Orthogonal Edge Routing": Yes or No


Infobox & Titlebar

"Info Box KPIs": Defines the 10 key figures for the Info Box, which display context information, key figures for validation, etc.

"Title Bar KPIs" (not in the screenshot): The 4 key figures that are used in the display for the current selection ("Showing ... process variants and ... number of cases"). Can be adjusted, for example, if the field names change

Process Analyzer - InfoBox & TitleBar

Develop & Debug

A display condition can be defined.

The option to display the debug box can be set.

Process Analyzer - Develop & Debug


The qID of the ProcessAnalyzer is copied to the clipboard. This is required for setting up the ProcessModeler, because it refers to the associated ProcessAnalyzer, so its qID must be saved in the settings.

Process Analyzer - Properties

Context Menu

The worksheets for the jump buttons can be stored in the context menu.



"Select first sheet for navigation": Executes the selection for this node.

"Select second sheet for navigation": Navigates to the stored worksheet without selection.



"Select sheet for navigation": Executes the selection for this node.

"Select second sheet for navigation": Navigates to the stored worksheet without selection.

Process Analyzer - Context Menu


Version and license information of your mpmX ProcessAnalyzer can be found in the Info dialog:



Information on Version of used ProcessAnalyzer

ProcessAnalyzer - Info Version


Information on License Key of used ProcessAnalyzer

ProcessAnalyzer - Info licenseKEY


Information on license expire date of used ProcessAnalyzer

ProcessAnalyzer - Info licenseEnd


Information on licensed qlik domains of used ProcessAnalyzer

ProcessAnalyzer - Info licenseDomain