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How to Utilize the Template App Sheets

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By default, the following sheets are available in the mpmX Template App (if configured). All sheets are self-explaining as each visualization carries a description of it's measures and dimensions. Furthermore, a guided tour helps your to navigate through the app when you start working with it.




Please note that a lot of visualizations in the sheets offer to switch the dimensions or measures displayed. Thus, a visualization itself can display different analysis perspectives and offer more possibilities than perceived at first sight.


SHEET (Click on the sheet for details.)

Short explanation

Activity Details for " "

Focus on a single activity or resource and understand it’s  impact on your process.

Ad Hoc Lead Time Analysis

Use this sheet to easily define custom subprocesses and reveal their lead times.


See the automation rate of your process and reveal its automation potential in order to improve it.


Benchmark two different processes for a direct side-by-side comparison.

BPMN Modeler

On this sheet, you can create, edit, and export a BPMN model from the ProcessAnalyzer. Also, an imported BPMN can be shown here.


Analyze the process conformance by seeing how it aligns with your defined process model.

Edge details for " "

Analyze in detail a specific edge of your process and gain new insights such as ways to avoid unwanted edges.


Monitor your unfinished cases and take corresponding actions.

MasterItem Import

Import MasterItems defined in the backend and by the mpmX algorithms.

Optimization Dashboard

Quickly detect the most relevant optimization potentials and navigate to the corresponding sheet to analyze the topic further.

Process Discovery

Dive into your process by filtering and narrowing down your analysis to discover additional insights.


Observe the unique variants your process takes. Understand what drives your processes complexity and find out how to improve it.


Analyze rework events in your process such as unwanted or repeated process steps, and ways to improve your approach.

Lead Time

Have a look at your processes lead time and identify cases that negatively impact the lead times. You can also analyze lead times of specified sub-processes.