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Manage the Access to the Extension & Data Connections

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Manage Access to the Extensions:


The idea behind the adaptation of the security rules is that you make sure that only users with a MPM license have access to MPM. Thus, you can change the security rules that for example only users with the custom property tag MPM get access. To do that, you have to deactivate the default rule, that allows reading rights for everyone. Then, duplicate this rule two times and change the condition for every extension without the MPM tag so that everyone has rights. Secondly, for the ones with a MPM tag only users that have an MPM tag are allowed.


1.Deactivate standard extension rule

2.New Rule 1:  Resource: Extension_*, Condition 1: #Extension has custom property value MPM and Condition 2: #User has custom property value MPM, rights: same as standard rule

3.New Rule 2: Resource: Extensions_*, Condition 1: #Extension has NOT value MPM, rights: same as standard rule



Manage Access Data Connection / Content Library:


1.Create a Security Rule for Data Connection / Content Library with CustomProperty

2.Assure that the folder is also secured on the file system!



Manage Access in General:


1.Control e.g. by AD-Groups through CustomProperty