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In the script tab 1A. Resource Log, the resource sheet can be configured. The configuration of the resource log is very similar to the main event log. The only difference is that you don’t use your normal activity as the process steps in you process, but a resource, i.e. users or machines.


To identify resources in your process, you need to search for the event dimensions. You can use any event dimension as your resource.



The user executes each activity in the process, therefore it can be used as resource.


LET mvProcessDescriptionResource = 'Resource';

LET mvResourceToAnalyze = 'Users';


ResourceLog: //Log table name 



  //ProcessAnalyzer information


      UserName as ActivityType,

      Timestamp(ActivityStartTimestamp) as ActivityStartTimestamp,

      Timestamp(ActivityEndTimestamp)  as ActivityEndTimestamp,

    //null() as SortingColumn,

 //Event information

 //Here you can add other event-related information (dimensions and values)

      if(WildMatch("UserName"'manual support'), 01as RealUser//delete if no user avaiable or no information about real user can be provided. You can use this information for the automation rate.

      EventDimension1,                                        //EventDimension1

      EventDimension2,                                        //EventDimension2

      EventDimension3                                        //EventDimension3

  FROM [$(DataConnection)MPMData.qvd] (qvd)

  where len(UserName) > 1;


//Create ActivityTypeIDs:

call mw_createIDs('ResourceLog','$(DataConnection)');


// EX: call mv_pa_initMining






'CustomLeadTimes table');


1st parameter,

2nd parameter,

3rd parameter,

4th parameter,

5th parameter,

6th parameter

call mw_pa_initMining('$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)','ResourceLog','Groups_$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)','$(DataConnection)','$(mvStoreMPMModelQVD)','CustomLeadTimes_$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)');


//this function works when your CaseID of ResourceLog the same as your MainLog is.

//If your CaseIDs definitions are different, please use the function MW_qualifyLogAndCaseID('$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)') and

//create a link table to connect the main log with this resource log.

call MW_qualifyLog('$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)');



Configuration steps:

1.Drag and drop the script tab 1A. Resource Log in front of the tab 1B. Load Delta EventLog.

2.Select a name for the scenario in the multi event log to be analyzed:


LET mvProcessDescriptionResource = 'Resource'


3.Configure the resource log table (as like as the event log table):


LET mvProcessDescriptionResource = 'Resource';


ResourceLog: //Log table name 



  //ProcessAnalyzer information


      UserName as ActivityType//replace ActivityName with UserName

      Timestamp(ActivityStartTimestamp) as ActivityStartTimestamp,

      Timestamp(ActivityEndTimestamp)  as ActivityEndTimestamp,

    //null() as SortingColumn,

 //Event information

 //Here you can add other event-related information (dimensions and values)

      if(WildMatch("UserName"'manual support'), 01as RealUser//delete if no user avaiable or no information about real user can be provided. You can use this information for the automation rate.

      EventDimension1,                                        //EventDimension1

      EventDimension2,                                        //EventDimension2

      EventDimension3                                        //EventDimension3

  FROM [$(DataConnection)MPMData.qvd] (qvd)

  where len(UserName) > 1;


4.Call the algorithms (you do not need change anything here):

a)call mw_createIDs(‘table name’,'folder to store the IDs');



call mw_createActivityTypeID('ResourceLog','$(DataConnection)');


b)call mv_pa_initMining ('ScenarioName','EventLogTableName','GroupingTableName','FolderName','StoreQVDs','CustomLeadTimes table');



call mw_pa_initMining('$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)','ResourceLog','Groups_$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)','$(DataConnection)','$(mvStoreMPMModelQVD)','CustomLeadTimes_$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)');


c)call MW_qualifyLog('scenario'): This function qualifies the resource log to avoid synthetic keys and circular references. It works when the CaseID of the resource log is the same as the main log. If the CaseIDs definitions are different, use the function MW_qualifyLogAndCaseID('scenario') and create a link table to connect the main log with this resource log (more information:



call MW_qualifyLog('$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)');