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Specific Update Information for the Releases

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How to Update to MPM September 2022?



Consider the general information Upgrade MPM before you start to update your MPM environment. The guide below explains how you can update your June 2022 based process mining app to September 2022, if the customizing in this June 2022 app is large enough to justify the adaption effort.




MPM Template App


Update the data editor of your June 2022 App to September 2022

On 1C:

oNew configuration for guided tour possible - therefore add this variable to your data editor. If you do not add this code, the default of "mvDeactivateGuidedTour" (0) will be automatically set by the September 2022 MPM Scripts


  let mvDeactivateGuidedTour = 0; 


changes in the data model that could affect your dimensions, ppis and kpis

nothing to be taken into consideration

Update the Master items


if you want the new guided tour texts, ppi-labels and descriptions check the new Master item translations of September 2022 and update the according Master Items of June 2022.

if you want to correct the PPIs, go to the release notes and check which ppis have been fixed. Copy those from September 2022 master item repository to the June 2022 master item repository.