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mpmX Help Documentation


Initial Configurations


There are some general settings you have to configure to prepare the Template App.


The call mpmX_execute is mandatory. If you were using an older template, please modify your app code to look like this:


    SET mpmXvVersion = 'V2.4.0';

    SET mpmXvScripts = 'lib://mpmX_scripts/$(mpmXvVersion)/';


    LET mvProcessDescription = 'ExampleProcess';

    SET mpmXvAppConfigAlias = '';



    SET mpmXvRepositoryType = 'INLINE_QVS';

    call mpmX_execute;


    exit script;


Set environment in app

Define mpmXvScripts dataconnection here. With the mpmXvAppConfigAlias you can load different scenarios e.g. 'onlyMining', if you need to change default dataconnections for mpmX_repository go to mpmX_environment.qvs for further adjustments.


Check all (global default) config file name variables defined in [[mvProcessDescription]]/custom_variables.qvs and [[mvProcessDescription]]/custom_logic.qvs


        SET mpmXvConfigFile = 'mpmX_config_repository';

    SET mpmXvTranslationTablesFile = 'mpmX_datamodel_translations';

    SET mpmXvTranslationFile = 'mpmX_masteritem_translations.csv';

    SET mpmXvMasterItemsFile = 'mpmX_masteritems.csv';


Check all configurations in mpmX_repository/[[mvProcessDescription]]/mpmX_config_repository


Check all global default settings in mpmX_environment.qvs and custom_variables.qvs, because the new release may have introduced changes to your previous release. If adaption is needed, do not adapt these scripts directly (!), instead copy the needed definitions to your new custom global default variable script () and/or to a app-specific script. This will make future updates easier.


  See release hints in new mpmX customizing environment in folder mpmX_scripts/<release>/customizing

   All details are in

   The following files will be automatically loaded in the order below if available:


[[mvProcessDescription]]/custom_variables.qvs // for site global variable settings for all mpmX apps (to overwrite mpmX defaults)

[[mvProcessDescription]]/custom_variables_$(mpmXvAppConfigAlias).qvs // for app-group or app-specific settings

[[mvProcessDescription]]/custom_logic.qvs // for site global adaption of method implmentations for all mpmX apps

[[mvProcessDescription]]/custom_logic_$(mpmXvAppConfigAlias).qvs // for app-group or app-specific method adaptions



IMPORTANT: As of v2.3.0 all variables are now defined in your custom_variables.qvs file and no longer in the Template App.


Variable: mpmXRepositoryType

INLINE_QVS loads the tables defined in your mpmX_config_repository.qvs.

For INLINE_APP you can define the methods mpmX_cr_loadConfigInApp and mpmX_cr_loadVariablesInApp in your App (see TemplateApp Wizard) or load the inline tables directly before calling mpmX_execute.


Variable: mvStorempmXModelQVD is now called mpmXvStoreAnalyticProcessModel


In your custom variables you can set the variable to 1 to store your model.


Variable: mvSurpressLoops is now renamed to mvSuppressLoops

If you want to reduce the number of process variants by suppressing direct loops, set it to "1". If you don't want to suppress direct loops, set the variable to "0". Default is  "0".

Suppress direct loops means that, for three variants 0-101-102-99999999,  0-101-102-102-99999999,  0-101-102-102-102-99999999 only two process variants are calculated: one without loop and one with loop 102-102.

If you do not suppress the direct loops, three process variants will be calculated: one without loop, one with exactly one loop and one with exactly two loops.


Let mvSuppressLoops = 1; 


Variable: mvReduceTimestampsToMin

If you want to improve the app performance, you can load the timestamps without seconds. This is the app default.

This is done by rounding the timestamps to minutes (vs seconds and milliseconds). The lead and process times are not influenced, just the final timestamps' output format is shortened to minutes.


Let mvReduceTimestampsToMin = 1; 



Variable: mvIntervalFormat

With this variable you can set the format of the time display. Please make sure that it is a valid expression for the interval() function.


Set mvIntervalFormat = 'd hh:mm'


Variable: mvNetAndGrossTimes

If the shift calendar is set then all time-related values will be expressed as net time. If the variable is = 1 and the shift calendar is set, then two columns for each time-related field will be created: e.g. CaseLeadTime (gross) and NetCaseLeadTime. The default value is "0".


Let mvNetAndGrossTimes = 0; 


Variable: mvCalendarFM

This variable helps to configure the master calendar. Just insert the number of the month in which the fiscal year starts.

In this example, the "8" stands for August.


Let mvCalendarFM = 8;



Variable: mvMaxDateOrToday

You can set the reference date for time range comparisons on the strategic dashboard like year to date or month to date. The possible values are "maxDate" (default setting) or "today".

Choose "today" if you want to see YTD and MTD for the app regarding the last reload date. Choose "maxDate" if your data time range does not include the current date and you would like to refer the time comparisons on the maximum date in the data.


Let mvMaxDateOrToday = 'maxDate';


Variables: mvProcessDescription

Change the names of the two Scenario variables.

1.Navigate to the tab mpmX init in the data load editor.

2.Adjust the process name of your analysis which is stored in the variable mvProcessDescription. Some examples for process names are Purchase to Pay (P2P), Order to Cash (O2C), Manufacturing Process, Helpdesk, etc.


LET mvProcessDescription = 'PROCESS_DESCRIPTION';


 Helpdesk example:


LET mvProcessDescription = 'Helpdesk';


Fall-back variables:

The variables mvProcessFinished, mpmXvCalenderTable, mwNetOrNot, mvCustomLeadTimeQualifier, mv_SwitchEventResourceLog, mvTimeRangeFrontEnd and mvProcessDescriptionResource are introduced as fall-back variables on the mpmX init Tab. They are found on the mpmX init tab in the data load editor, but cannot be changed here. These variables can be controlled via the front end or on the respective tab.