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The MPM eXecution template app is a framework to connect MPM apps with a write-back platform. This template offers five standard modules:



MPM Rules and Actions


Learn how comprehensive management of corrective actions shifts your task management directly to process analytics.


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MPM Critical Paths for RCA


Learn how to define and manage critical paths for automated root cause analysis in the front-end.


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MPM Happy Path Updates


Learn how to administer target processes for conformance checking in the front-end.


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MPM Manual Activties


Learn how to interactively record manual (non-IT based) process steps directly in the MPM app.


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MPM BPMN Activity Mapping


Learn how to manage the relations between MPM and BPMN activities.


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Before you can activate the MPM eXecution modules, you need to deploy the MPM eXecution Template App with your data: Deploy the MPM eXecution Template App.