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In order for all elements shown in the multilingual app to be multilingual, it is necessary to translate some information from the data model.

This includes the fields ActivityType, EdgeType, nextActivityType, previousActivityType (also for the Resource Log) as well as the Subprocesses, the Happy Path Descriptions, or the Optimization Potentials.


To do this easily, we provide a template for these translations on tab 7 Data Model Translations. Just follow the steps mentioned:



If you don't want to translate the data model fields, just do nothing on this tab and load the data as usual. The original field-value will then automatically be added as a dummy translation and your front-end will be fully functional.


1. Translate the ActivityType to translate the fields ActivityType, EdgeType, nextActivityType, previousActivityType. Simply fill in the inline table "ActivityTranslations" or use a table with the same name from another data source like QVD or CSV. The first field ActivityType contains the values of the field ActivityType loaded in the EventLog and the following columns get the respective translation.





load * inline


ActivityType,         ActivityType_EN, ActivityType_CN, ActivityType_DE, ActivityType_ES






Do not forget to also translate the Start and End activity.


After that this ActivityTranslation table is used in several methods for translation. The method mw_add_edge_translations translates the edges, while the other calls of mw_add_field_translations translate the field specified in the third parameter. The last call drops the translation table (last parameter = 1).



call mw_add_edge_translations('ActivityType','ActivityTranslation','ActivityType','pa_activity_log_$(mvProcessDescription)');

call mw_add_field_translations('ActivityType','ActivityTranslation','ActivityType','pa_activity_log_$(mvProcessDescription)',0);

call mw_add_field_translations('ActivityType','ActivityTranslation','nextActivityType','pa_activity_log_$(mvProcessDescription)',0);

call mw_add_field_translations('ActivityType','ActivityTranslation','previousActivityType','pa_activity_log_$(mvProcessDescription)',1);




2.Optional: After that, if necessary, translate the ActivityTypes from the resource log. This is done by filling in the inline table ResourceTranslation.



load * inline


$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)_ActivityType,         $(mvProcessDescriptionResource)_ActivityType_EN, $(mvProcessDescriptionResource)_ActivityType_CN






Again, the EdgeTypes and the next and previousActivityTypes are translated with the subsequent method calls. The last method call drops the translation table (last parameter = 1).




3.Optional: After that, translate the subprocesses, if necessary, so that their texts are displayed in the front-end in the correct language. This is done by filling in the following table:



load * inline


Subprocess,         Subprocess_EN, Subprocess_DE, Subprocess_ES, Subprocess_CN






Again, with the subsequent method calls, the translation of the field values is performed and the translation table is dropped.



It is important to define (if necessary) the subprocess-translations before calling the translation for the optimization potentials, as the translation of subprocesses is used in the translation of the root cause optimization potentials.




4. Optional: After that, translate the subprocesses, if necessary, so that their texts are displayed in the front-end in the correct language. This is done by filling in the following table:



load * inline [





Target lead time missed,

Target lead time missed,


Ziel lead time verpasst

  Low process governance,

Low process governance,


Niedrige process governance

  Reworked Case,

Reworked Case,










Wenn in der RCA weitere kundenspezifische Optimierungspotentiale ergänzt wurden, als im Template angegeben, so sind diese der OptPotentialTranslation hinzuzufügen. Dies gilt auch für Übersetzungen der Option "CriticalQueries". Subprocess-OptPotentials werden automatisch ergänzt, wenn eine Übersetzung gefunden wurde.


Again, with the subsequent method calls, the translation of the field values is performed and the translation table is dropped.



5.Optional: After that, if necessary, translate the Happy Path Descriptions so that their texts are displayed in the front-end in the correct language. This is done by filling in the following table:



load * inline


HappyPathDescription,         HappyPathDescription_EN, HappyPathDescription_DE, HappyPathDescription_ES, HappyPathDescription_CN






Again, with the subsequent method calls, the translation of the field values is performed and the translation table is dropped.


6.Optional: After that, if necessary, translate the Group Descriptions so that their texts are displayed in the front-end in the correct language. This is done by filling in the following table:



load * inline


ActivityGroupLabel,         ActivityGroupLabel_EN, ActivityGroupLabel_DE, ActivityGroupLabel_ES, ActivityGroupLabel_CN






Again, with the subsequent method calls, the translation of the field values is performed and the translation table is dropped.




If further fields are to be translated customer-specifically, such as for example the case dimensions, this can be done according to the same pattern. A translation table is loaded and passed into the method mw_add_field_translations.


call mw_add_field_translations('<KeyFieldForTranslationInTranslationTable>','<TableHoldingTranslation>','<FieldToBeTranslatedInTargetTable>','<TargetTable>',<DropTranslatinOrNot 1 or 0>);



The methods are called with the following 5 parameters:

1.'<KeyFieldForTranslationInTranslationTable>': String - The field in the translation table that is to become the key field to the target table

2.'<TableHoldingTranslation>': String - The translation table

3.'<FieldToBeTranslatedInTargetTable>': String - The field in the target table that is to become the key field to the translation table

4.'<TargetTable>': String -  The target table

5.<DropTranslatinOrNot 1 or 0>: Boolean - Dropt ranslation table (1) or not (0)