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There are some general settings you have to do to prepare the Template App:


Enable logging with the Template App:

1.If you want to trace the MPM app's performance adjust the settings that enable logging. Then the script will write a log to a QVD file.

a)Navigate to the tab 0. Init in the data load editor.

b)Create a data connection where you would like to save the qvd file that is generated  when logging is activated. Save the data connection in the variable mvDir_logs.


If a performance log was created in a previous data load, it will not be overwritten when reloading the app. Instead, the newly created log will be attached to the old QVD file. If the log gets bigger than a certain threshold, it will be reinitialized at the next data load.


Let mvDir_logs = 'lib://MPM_Logs/';


c)If you want to log the script performance and find script-optimization potential set the variable mvLogApplicationPerformance to 1. If you do not want to enable logging set it to 0.


Let mvLogApplicationPerformance = 0;


2.If you want the logging to be enabled but don't want it to appear in the data model and the front end,  just activate the "DROP Table $(mvLogTable)" part by deleting the comment-slashes.



 call MW_stopLogService;

 //DROP Table $(mvLogTable);

end if




Variable: mvStoreMPMModelQVD

1.Navigate to the tab 0. Init in the data load editor.

In line 23 you have the variable mvStoreMPMModelQVD which stores the output of the MPM algorithm in the data folder.

2.If you want to save the .qvd-output-data, set it to "1". If you don't want to save it, set the variable to "0".

Keep in mind that if you set the variable to "1", physical memory is used to store the data on your server. If you set it to "0", RAM memory is used to store the data. Therefore, we do not recommend setting the variable to "0" when there are large datasets.


Let mvStoreMPMModelQVD = 0



Variable: mvSurpressLoops

If you want to reduce the number of process variants by surpressing direct loops, set it to "1". If you don't want to surpress direct loops, set the variable to "0". Default is  "0".

Surpress direct loops means that, for three variants 0-101-102-99999999,  0-101-102-102-99999999,  0-101-102-102-102-99999999 only two process variants are caluclated: one without loop and one with loop 102-102.

If you do not surpress the direct loops, three process variants will be calculated: one without loop, one with exactly one loop and one with exactly two loops.


Let mvSurpressLoops = 1; 



Variable: mvDeltaLoad

To delta load the app, set the variable to "1". If you don't want to use the delta load, set the variable to "0". The default value is  "0".

For delta load the script tab 1. Load Delta EventLog needs to be used instead of 1B. Load EventLog.


Let mvDeltaLoad = 0



Variable: mvLoadLargeDataModel

If you want to improve the app performance you can load a small data model. This is the app default.

The small data model will not include the table EventTimes and the fields ProcessPathWithLoops, nextActivityType, nextActivityID, nextActivityTimestamp, previousActivityType, previousActivityTypeID, previousActivityTimestamp because they are not used in the MPM Template App. If you would like to use the table or the fields, set the variable to 1.


Let mvLoadLargeDataModel = 0


Variable: mvReduceTimestampsToMin

If you want to improve the app performance you can load the timestamps without seconds. This is the app default.

This is done by flooring the seconds and milliseconds of the timestamps to minutes. The lead and process times are not influenced, just the final timestamps' output format is shortened to minutes.


Let mvReduceTimestampsToMin = 1; 



Variable: mvIntervalFormat

With this variable you can set the format of the time display. Please make sure that it is a valid expression for the interval() function.


Set mvIntervalFormat = 'd hh:mm'


Variable: mvNetAndGrossTimes

This variable can be found on the script tab 2B. If the shift calendar is set then all time-related values will be expressed as net time. If the variable is = 1 and the shift calendar is set, then two columns for each time-related field will created: e.g. CaseLeadTime and NetCaseLeadTime. The default value is "0".


Let mvNetAndGrossTimes = 0; 


Variable: mvCalendarFM

This variable helps to configure the master calendar. Just insert the number of the month in which the fiscal year starts.

In this example, the "8" stands for August.


LET mvCalendarFM = 8;



Variable: mvMaxDateOrToday

You can set the reference date for time range comparisons on the strategic dashboard like year to date or month to date. The possibles values are "maxDate" (default setting) or "today".

Choose "today" if you want to see YTD and MTD for the app regarding the last reload date. Choose "maxDate" if your data time range is not including the current date and you would like to refer the time comparisons on the maximum date in the data.


Let mvMaxDateOrToday = 'maxDate';


Variable: mvShowPeriodComparison

Set the variable to true () to show period comparison and to false ()  to improve the dashboard performance. False() is the default.


Let mvShowPeriodComparison = true();


Variable: mvShowCostCalculation

Set the variable to true () to show the cost saving potential and to false () to improve the dashboard performance. False() is the default.


Let mvShowCostCalculation = true();


Variables: mvProcessDescription and mvCaseLabel

Change the names of the two Scenario variables and Case definition variables.

1.Navigate to the tab 0. Init in the data load editor.

2.Adjust the process name of your analysis which is stored in the variable mvProcessDescription (line 28). Some examples for process names are Purchase to Pay (P2P), Order to Cash (O2C), Manufacturing Process, Helpdesk, etc.

3.Label a case by saving a new name in the variable mvCaseLabel (line 31).

       In the process example in chapter Basic Concepts of Process Mining a case could be named as "Ticket", "Ticket resolved" or just "CaseID". In a P2P process it could be                named as "Purchase Order" or "PO".


LET mvProcessDescription = 'PROCESS_DESCRIPTION';

LETmvCaseLabel = 'CASE_LABEL';


 Helpdesk example:


LET mvProcessDescription = 'Helpdesk';

LET mvCaseLabel = 'CaseID';


Fall-back variables:

The variables mvProcessFinished, mvFactoryShiftCalender, mwNetOrNot, mvCustomLeadTimeQualifier, mv_SwitchEventResourceLog, mvTimeRangeFrontEnd and mvProcessDescriptionResource are introduced as fall-back variables on the Init. Tab. They are found on the 0.Init tab in the data load editor, but cannot be changed here. These variables can be controlled via the front end. or on the respective tab