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How to Update to MPM June 2022?



Consider the general information Upgrade MPM before you start to update your MPM environment. The guide below explains how you can update your March 2022 based process mining app to June 2022, if the customizing in this March 2022 app is large enough to justify the adaption effort.




MPM Template App


Update the data editor of your March 2022 App to June 2022

On 1C:

oNew customization for rework possible - therefore add this variable to your data editor. If you do not add this code, the default of "ReworkOrRepeatedEvent" will be automatically set by the June 2022 MPM Scripts


  set mvSetExpressionReworkDefinition = ReworkOrRepeatedEvent; 

// other possible values are: ReworkEvent, ReworkAndRepeatedEvent, ReworkOrRepeatedEvent, RepeatedEvent


Create a new tab 7. Data Model Translation

oCopy the whole tab 7 from the new multilanguage template app and update your app with it

oFill the translation tables if needed

changes in the data model that could affect your dimensions, ppis and kpis

nothing to be taken into consideration

Update the Master items

if you want a multi-lang capable data model, check in the new Master Items of June 2022, which formulas contain the postfix _$(mvSelectedLanguage) and update the according Master Items of March 2022.

if you want the new rework-custom definition (repetitions and/or rework) check the new Master items of June 2022 of the rework dashboard (tag "rework") and update the according Master Items of June 2022.

if you want to correct the German-num-format bug in the March 2022 app, check the new Master Items of June 2022 (tag "processAnalyzer") and update the according Master Items of March 2022.

Update the template app front end

if you want to fix the resource-switch button, copy the respective master visualization from the June 2022 app to the March 2022 app.

if you want to adapt the coloring of rework in the Process Analyzer to the new coloring of the June 2022 app, copy the respective color-formula from the June 2022 Rework Process Analyzer to the March 2022 Rework Process Analyzer.

Update the extensions

The new generation of the Process Activity Filter (NG Process Activity Filter) will not replace the Process Activity Filter Extension when you upload the extensions. The NG Process Activity Filter is based on a new framework which is already in use in the MPM Template App. As the old PAF is still available you can keep the old Process Activity Filter in your app, so you do not need to update this extension in your old MPM apps by hand.

If you want the NG Process Activity Filter in your old MPM apps then open the PAFs' master visualizations and convert the visualization to the NG PAF by dragging the new extension over the old master viz and clicking on convert. Then you will need to reconfigure the dimensions whereas the second dimension now is the multi-lang activity description.