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Before you can activate the MPM eXecution module, you need to deploy the MPM eXecution Template App with your data: Deploy the MPM eXecution Template App.



einkommenteiren auf RCA:



 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Start MPM eXecution Adaption :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


//   if TableNumber('eXecutionCriticalPaths') > 0 then  

//       concatenate([CriticalQueries_$(mvProcessDescription)])

//       load

//           CriticalPathQuery,

//           ProblemName as FlagName,

//           WQ_updated_at as FormerUpdateCriticalPath

//       resident eXecutionCriticalPaths

//       where USER_DELTE <> 1;

//   end if


//   rename table eXecutionCriticalPaths to eXecutionCriticalPaths_tmp;

//   eXecutionCriticalPaths:

//   noconcatenate

//   load *

//   resident eXecutionCriticalPaths_tmp

//   where USER_DELTE <> 1;

//   drop table eXecutionCriticalPaths_tmp;


 //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: End MPM eXecution Adaption :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::






und das hier




//     call mw_concate_rca_results_to_actions('ActionRules');