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How to Update to MPM March 2022?



Consider the general information Upgrade MPM before you start to update your MPM environment. The guide below explains how you can update your November 2021 based process mining app to March 2022, if the customizing in this November 2021 app is large enough to justify the adaption effort.


Since the March 2022 MPM Template App has a new data model, new ppis, and new sheets, we recommend that you move the content of your process mining app to the March 2022 MPM Template App and not the other way around. If you still need to update a lower version of the app, follow the steps below:



MPM Template App


Update the data editor of your november 2021 app to march 2022

On 0.Init:

oAdd the following variables as default for the front-end

LET mvProcessFinished = null();

LET mvFactoryShiftCalender = ''; // fall-back variable for factory and shift calender

LET mwNetOrNot = null(); // fall-back variable for ppis

LET mvCustomLeadTimeQualifier = 'StartToEnd'; //  fall-back variable for ppis

LET mvProcessDescriptionResource = ''; // fall-back variable for ppis

oSet the LET ScriptFolderConnection to 'lib://MPM_ScriptFolder/202203/';

oCreate a new connection LET ActivityIDHistoryConnection = '$(DataConnection)/ActivityIDHistory/';        

oCreate a new variable SET mvIntervalFormat = 'd hh:mm';

On 1A:

oUpdate the call mw_createActivityTypeID to call mw_createActivityTypeID('ResourceLog','$(ActivityIDHistoryConnection)');

oUpdate the call mw_pa_initMining to call mw_pa_initMining('$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)','ResourceLog','Groups_$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)','$(DataConnection)','$(mvStoreMPMModelQVD)','SubprocessDefinition_$(mvProcessDescriptionResource)','ResourceLog');

On 2A:

oRename the custom lead time table to [SubprocessDefinition_$(mvProcessDescription)]

oAdd the two fields TargetTime, TargetTimeOperator to the SubprocessDefinition-inline table

On 2B:

oAdd the variable let mvNetAndGrossTimes and set it to 1 if you need both net and gross lead times. Set it to 0 if just the net-time is interesting to you.

On 3:

oChange the call mw_createActivityTypeID to call mw_createActivityTypeID('EventLog','$(ActivityIDHistoryConnection)');

oChange the call mw_pa_initMining to call mw_pa_initMining('$(mvProcessDescription)','EventLog','Groups_$(mvProcessDescription)','$(DataConnection)','$(mvStoreMPMModelQVD)','SubprocessDefinition_$(mvProcessDescription)');

oChange the call MW_calculateMasterCalender to call MW_calculateMasterCalender('$(mvProcessDescription)','CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription)','CaseStartDate');

On 5:

oChange the variable LET RCADimensionTable to 'CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription)';

oChange the RootCauseAnalysisFlags inline table to



[CalculateInRCA, FlagName, FlagTable, ObservationType, RelatedSheet

y,Low process governance, CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Conformance

y,Target lead time missed,        CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Lead Time

y,Reworked Case,        CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Rework

y,B-Activity Case,CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Variants

y,C-Activity Case,CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Variants

y,Low automation rate,CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Automation

n,Target processing time missed,        CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Lead Time

n,Target idle time missed,CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription),CaseID,Lead Time


oChange the call mw_perform_root_cause_analysis to call mw_perform_root_cause_analysis('$(mvProcessDescription)','$(mvCustomLeadTimeInRCA)','RootCauseAnalysisDimensions','RootCauseAnalysisFlags','$(RCADimensionTable)','SubprocessDefinition_$(mvProcessDescription)');

On 6:

oCopy the whole tab 6 from the new multilanguage template app and update your app with it


After loading your data you will have a March 2022 data model. Some fields are new, some were changed, and some were deleted. The March 2022 data model is leaner and the script runs faster than November 2021.

changes in the data model that could affect your dimensions, ppis and kpis

The changes in the data model may affect the custom-ppis and custom-kpis that you have created, so read the following carefully and also study the data model section.

The CaseInformation table now holds the field CaseCounter and the field ProcessFinished. Further RCA-flags have been added which could be useful to you. Check the fields in the data model description The CaseInformation Table.

The CaseTimes table is not in a 1:1 with the CaseID anymore. It holds one row per case & subprocess, and one row per case-lead-time from Start to End node. If measures are calculated with fields from this table, a set expressions on the field Subprocess is necessary to evaluate only one row per case. E.g. to calculate the lead time the formula is avg({<Subprocess= {'StartToEnd'}>} CaseLeadTime).. A subprocess lead time measure would be avg({<Subprocess= {'MySubprocess'}>} CaseLeadTime). The lead time class diagrams need the same set expressions in the measures, to show the correct number of cases per lead time class for the start-to-end lead time or chosen subprocess. Check the fields in the data model description The CaseTimes Table.

The tables Activity and Edge Conformance merged with the log-table. The fields ActivityConformance and EdgeConformace therefore are added to the log-table by the conformance checking algorithms. The conformance checking sheet will show some issues as long as the master items from November 2021 are not updated to the data model of March 2022. Check the fields in the data model description MPM Conformance Checking Tables.

The root cause analysis-related fields changed their name-part "Anomaly" to "OptPotential". Furthermore, the RCA does not include the "decreasing" context anymore, only the "increasing" process context is kept. Thus, the data model becomes leaner. Some fields were dropped, check this in the RCA data model description The RootCauses Tables.

Update the Master Items

This step creates a lot of effort which is mostly the reason why we recommend to use a March 2022 app as base and move your custom MPM content to this app. In general the March 2022 provide better performance as they use the data model in an improved manner.

If you import the March 2022 master items the November 2021 Template App will not connect to them, as the master items ids are completely new for all master items from march 2022. Therefore, we recommend to stay with the November 2021 master items and update those, which need to adapt to the new data model.

You will need to adapt all root cause related master items in the master item repository as the data model changed quite a lot.

You will need to adapt some conformance related master items in the master item repository as the data model changed in some parts.

You will need to adapt the subprocess-related master items (formerly custom lead times) as the columns for the custom lead times fields were mostly deleted and a subprocess is now a further row per case in the CaseTimes table with the same structure as the former case-lead-time (now the "Subprocess" called 'StartToEnd')

Update the template app front end

The analysis scope dashboard will mostly not work, as the guided analytics was deleted from the data model. Just delete these parts from the sheet.

The strategic and tactical dashboard will not work anymore, as the underlying fields are no longer available in the data model. If you need a period comparison copy the logic from the March 2022 app. Period comparison here are calculated ad hoc in the front end with the use of several variables. Look out for the March 2022 master items  that carry a "current" or "previous" in their master item name. These items are examples on how to implement the period comparison. Just add the variables used in the set expressions and you will have a period comparison for your measures. You will need to copy the following variables from the March 2022 Template App to your app:




omvCurrentActivityPeriodSetExpression and mvPreviousActivityPeriodSetExpression

omvCurrentPeriodSetExpression and mvPreviousPeriodSetExpression

omvTimeRangeCurrentTitleAddition and mvTimeRangePreviousTitleAddition

omvTimeRangeCurrentActivityTitleAddition and mvTimeRangePreviousActivityTitleAddition

oTo switch the period comparison time frame in the front-end copy the variable input form the app-configuration dialog box from the March 2022 app to your app.

Check if the sheet show conditions still work correctly - if not - copy the show condition from the March 2022 app. This part refers to the sheets Conformance Checking, Resource Analysis, Root Cause Analysis and Analysis of Custom Lead Times.