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What's new in MPM March 2022?



Webinar On Demand "What's new?"


Take the chance and get to know MPM August 2021 by our process mining specialists on the 2th of March 2022..





Since March 2022, MPM releases published before 2021 have been deleted from the documentation. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.




NEW EXTENSION: Basic Functions


Initial functionality with translation files from all MPM-Extensions

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Basic functionality for Popup/Dialog in Qlik sense

Add Master visualization object, html/plain text in the textarea

Multilanguage support

Integration of Basic Functions for Translation

See more



NEW EXTENSION: Lead Time Filter


Initial functionality to select two activities from your app and calculate a lead time between them

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NEW EXTENSION: Grouped container


Basic functionality to structure your Qlik Sense objects (Master items) freely in a container

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Process analyzer


Simpler UX: the bar and sliders moved in a reduced form to the bottom

More layout options available for edge routing & layout algorithms: chose what you need - improved performance or a perfect layout  

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query builder


Improved Usability: copy the resulting query via button helps developers to reuse the pattern in formulas or the back-end

Integration of BasicFunctions for translations


Process Modeler


Improved Usability: copy the resulting query via button helps developers to reuse the pattern in formulas or the back-end

Integration of BasicFunctions for translations

See more




Multi language support

Integration of BasicFunctions for translations

Improve navigation layout

See more


Process Activity Filter


New selection option added: now you can select whether a process should start or end with an activity

Integration of BasicFunctions for translations

See more




Integration of BasicFunctions for translations

See more

MPM Scripts



MPM Scripts, Data Editor & Data Model


New Variables in the 0.init tab:

oLet mvShowPeriodComparison = false();

oLet mvShowCostCalculation = false();

oSet mvIntervalFormat = 'd hh:mm';

oLet mvNetAndGrossTimes = 0;

oLet mv_SwitchEventResourceLog = 'Standard';


New variable on the 2B. tab:

oLet mvNetAndGrossTimes


New Variables on the 2A. tab:

oSet mvPercentageTimeLimit (replaces the former upper & lowerLimit-variables)

oSet mvPercentageTimeLimitOperator

oSet mvPercentageAutomationLimit



oMaster Items can now be deleted

oNew search functionality

oDuplicate warning



The method call mw_pa_init_mining on the script tab 1A and 3 has been adapted.

The parameter in the multilanguage master item method have been adjusted.


In the data editor:

oFor some front-end variable a default is set in the data editor:

Let mwNetOrNot = null();

Let mvCustomLeadTimeQualifier = 'StartToEnd';

Let mvTimeRangeFrontEnd = 'In Year';

Let  mvProcessDescriptionResource = '';

oThe WeekendDays variable on the 2B. tab has been removed

oThe number of time-related precalculated flags in the RootCauseAnalysisFlags table has been reduced.

oFewer method calls after the MasterItems inline table.

oThe fields "DE_Description", "EN_Description" and "ES_Desctiption" have been added to the InputTranslations table.  Now a description of all MasterItems depending on the selected default language will be loaded into the app.

In the core MPM data model:

oThe Custom Lead Time in now named Subprocess and the CustomLeadTimes_$(mvProcessDescription) is now named SubprocessDefinition_$(mvProcessDescription)

oThe CaseTimes-table now contains on row per subprocess time, subprocess times and the standard lead time (start to end) are treated the same and fill the same fields. Due to the restructuring some fields became obsolete and have been deleted.

oFor subprocesses information about the target time is given and further fields related to missed target times are derived

oFor each subprocess the information SubprocessFinished = 1 or 0 is stored in the CaseTimes-table

o1:1 Case-related information (like root cause analysis optimization potentials) are stored in the (now mandatory) case information table.

oThe CaseInformation table is now named CaseInformation_$(mvProcessDescription).

oThe field CaseCounter and ProcessFinished moved to the table CaseInformation.

oThe lead time information are provided as net and gross values only if the factoryAndShiftCalendar is defined and the variable mwNetAndGross is set to 1. Else the standard lead time fields hold the gross times if no factoryAndShiftCalender is given or they hold the net times if the calender is defined.

In the conformance checking data model:

oThe tables ActivityConformance and EdgeConformance are deleted.

oThe information ActivityConformance = Deviating / Correct Activity and the EdgeConformance likewise moved into the pa_activity_log-table.

oDue to the restructuring some fields became obsolete and have been deleted.

MPM Template App

TEMPlate app


New Layout with usability improvements:

oThe dashboards follow a new, UX-centered layout approach

oDashboards send a clear message and Tool-Sheets send a clear purpose

oEvery PPI is displayed with it's evolution over time

oEvery PPI is set into the process context

oEvery dashboard holds it's own RCA

oA period comparison is given for each PPI if configured so in the data editor with the variable Let mvShowPeriodComparison = true();

oA cost estimation is given for each analysis (where useful) if configured so in the data editor with the variable Let mvShowCostCalculation = true();

New and easier Workflows:

oA MPM Toolbar allows every MPM analysis on every sheet

oThe Ad hoc lead time workflow is supported by a handy extension:

oThe Activity Details, Edge Details and Process Discovery Sheet can be switched to the ressource log perspective via button.

New Sheets for higher information output:


oProcess Discovery (former Process Log Raw, Case Details, Process Discovery, Geo Analysis and Ressource Analysis)


oLead Time (former Time Analysis and Analysis of Custom Lead Times)

oOptimization Dashboard

New PPIs for better process tracking:

oLead Time Dashboard:

% Late Cases

AVG/Median Time Late

Lead Time Spread

oAutomation Dashboard:

% No Touch Rate

% No Touch Lead Time

% Manual Effort

Cost Saving Potentials


% Cases without Rework

% Rework Events

Time Lost by Rework

AVG in Rework in Cases

Cost Saving Potentials


ABC-analysis for variants

ABC-categorization for activities

% Cases with B-&C-Activities

Cost Saving Potential


% Perfect Conformance

% Unnecessary Steps

% Skipped Steps

Time Lost by unnecessary Steps

Cost Saving Potentials


# Open Late Cases

oActivity Details:

Added Lead Time by Activity

oEdge Details:

Added Lead Time by Edge

You now have the option to get a single-language-Template App, derived from the Multilanguage App

It is now possible to customize the theme colors including the colors in the icons, apply a custom theme to an application on a server, and learn helpful hints and tools


For usability improvement the following sheets have been changed:

oTarget Process Benchmarking & Comparison to Benchmarking

oProcess Monitoring to Monitoring

oProcess Variants and Activities to Variants

The following sheet have been removed to reduce the app's complexity:

oAnalysis of Custom Lead Time

now part of the new sheet Lead Time

oAnalysis Scope

Now moved to the MPM Toolbar

oApplication Performance Log

oGeo Analysis

Now part of the new sheet Process Discovery

oProcess Log Raw Data

The Log moved to the Additional Analysis on the sheet Process Discovery

oProcess Mining Dashboard -

Now part of the new sheet Process Discovery

oProcess Modeler and Deviation Analysis

oProcess Pattern Analysis

The QueryBuilder moved to the MPM Toolbar


The function is covered in the sheet Process Discovery

oRoot Cause Analysis -

The RCA is moved to the Additional Analysis of each related dashboard

oStrategic Dashboard YTD

Period comparison can be activated for every dashboard

oTactical Dashboard

Period comparison can be activated for every dashboard

oTime Analysis and Optimization

Now part of the new sheet Lead Time

The following PPIs have been improved:

oProcess Homogenity:

Now caluclated with ln() function so the values are more linearly distributed between 0% and 100% for high numbers of variants and cases

oLead Time PPIs

The interval format now depends on the variable Set mvIntervalFormat = 'd hh:mm';  and does not contain if-statements any longer.

The master item concept has been improved to find items faster and understand them better. Every master item holds a description in the app-default language



MPM Import Wizard




Add happy path manually in drag and drop window

Manipulate existing happy paths in drag and drop window

Add mapping load from app or qvd file

Add filter dimensions for happy paths with case information data from app

Support multi language BPMN files

Allow BPMN files with multiple start and end activities

Allow BPMN files with multiple processes


Show activity names in happy path






Add gui representation of new and changed template app variables

Adapt table changes from template app




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