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The ProcessAnalyzer, the visualization extension, uses data from the process model and displays all occurring process variants including metrics like for example frequencies and lead times.


To use the ProcessAnalyzer in a sheet, perform the following steps:

1.Click Edit and navigate to "Custom Objects" on the right.

2.In the section "MPM Process Mining" drag and drop the ProcessAnalyzer to the sheet. The ProcessAnalyzer then will automatically display the process data if the data model is built correctly.



If the Process Analyzer shows the loading sign but not the process (that is correctly created in the data model) then switch the sheet, filter the data or select the most common process and the visualization will work as expected.



The ProcessAnalyzer is shown in the visualization below. The visualization will be explained in detail in a further section. How to configure the Process Analyzer, e.g. it's process performance indicators (PPIs), to custom needs is explained minutely as well.


Process Analyzer new


The visualization in the upper figure shows how many process variants are currently displayed compared to all possible process variants of the selection and how many cases they contain. The separation of the display from the selection enables greater flexibility in the analysis and a better overview of the process variants, since, for example, the top 10 process variants that occur can always be displayed. Finally, only process variants that are in the current selection can be displayed.