The following error occurred:
Field names must be unique within table.
The error occurred here:
LOAD ProcessPathUniqueNo,
ProcessVariant AS ProcessPath,
firstRealActivityID AS ProcessStartsWithActivityTypeID,
applyMap('MAP_ActivityTypes', firstRealActivityID) AS ProcessStartsWithActivityType,
if (moreThanOneActivity = 1, lastRealActivityID) AS ProcessEndsWithActivityTypeID,
if (moreThanOneActivity = 1, applyMap('MAP_ActivityTypes', lastRealActivityID) ) AS ProcessEndsWithActivityType,
if (index(ProcessVariant, '-101-') > 0, 1, 0) AS [YourActivityName],
1 AS pathVariant_Counter
Data has not been loaded. Please correct the error and try loading again.
This error occurs because you're trying to use the same ActivityTypeID for multiple different activities. Analyze the ActivityTypeIDs to detect duplicates.