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How to Update to MPM August 2021?



Consider the general information Upgrade MPM before you start to update your MPM environment. The guide below explains how you can update your May 2021 based process mining app to August 2021 if the customizing in this May 2021 app is large enough to justify the adaption effort.


As the MPM Template App August 2021 has quite a lot of improvements and some new sheet we recommend to move your process mining app content to the MPM Template App August 2021 and not the other way round. If you still need to upgrade a lower app version follow the steps indicated below:






MPM Template App


Update the data editor

Set the ScriptFolderConnection and LangAndMasterItemsConnection to the new release August 2021

Create the variable let mvLoadLargeDataModel = 0; on the Init tab

Create the variable let mvReduceTimestampsToMin = 1; on the Init tab

Create the variable Set mvPercentageUpperTimeLimit = 0.1; on the tab 2A. Advanced Customization

Create the variable Set mvPercentageLowerTimeLimit = 0.1; on the tab 2A. Advanced Customization

Create the variable Set mvWeekEndDays = 'Sat','Sun'; on the tab 2B. Factory And Shift Calender

Replace the call MW_calculateMasterCalender on the tab 3. Initiate Mining Algorithms with the following two lines

call MW_calculateMasterCalender('Events_$(mvProcessDescription)','pa_activity_log_$(mvProcessDescription)','ActivityStartDate');


call MW_calculateMasterCalender('$(mvProcessDescription)','CaseTimes_$(mvProcessDescription)','CaseStartDate');


Create the variable Set mvProcessGovernanceOptimizationThreshold = 0.8;    on the tab 4. Conformance Checking

Create the variable let RCADimensionTable = 'CaseInformation'; on the tab 5. Root Cause Analysis

Create the variable Let mvRCAForFinishedProcessOnly=0; on the tab 5. Root Cause Analysis

Replace the call mw_perform_root_cause_analysis on the tab 5. Root Cause Analysis with the following line

call mw_perform_root_cause_analysis('$(mvProcessDescription)','$(mvCustomLeadTimeInRCA)','RootCauseAnalysisDimensions','RootCauseAnalysisFlags','$(RCADimensionTable)','CustomLeadTimes_$(mvProcessDescription)');


Replace the FlagName-column values in the table RootCauseAnalysisFlags with the new optimization potentials' descriptions:                                

oHappy Path Fitness Below 80%        --> Low process governance

o Case Lead Time Exceeds 75 Percentile  -->  Long lead time

o Case Lead Time Below 25 Percentile  -->  Short lead time

o Total Case Event Duration Exceeds 75 Percentile --> Long processing time

o Total Case Event Duration Below 25 Percentile --> Short processing time

o Total Case Idle Time Exceeds 75 Percentile --> Long idle time

o Total Case Idle Time Below 25 Percentile  --> Short idle time

o Net Case Lead Time Exceeds 75 Percentile --> Long net lead time

o Net Case Lead Time Below 25 Percentile --> Short net lead time

o Net Total Case Event Duration Exceeds 75 Percentile --> Long net processing time

o Net Total Case Event Duration Below 25 Percentile --> Short net processing time

o Net Total Case Idle Time Exceeds 75 Percentile --> Long net idle time

o Net Total Case Idle Time Below 25 Percentile --> Short net idle time

Update the Sheets

First of all import the new master items.

The Root Cause Analysis Sheet had complete redesign - copy the sheet with the copy-sheet functionality to your process mining app. You will need to place the master items on the sheet again as they are not copied correctly.

The BPMN Modeler sheet is new - copy the sheet with the copy-sheet functionality to your process mining app. You will need to place the master items on the sheet again as they are not copied correctly.

The Tactical Dashboard is new - copy the sheet with the copy-sheet functionality to your process mining app. You will need to place the master items on the sheet again as they are not copied correctly.

The chart "Lead Time & # Cases by User pattern" on the Time Analysis and Optimization Sheet is using the pre-calculated user pattern dimension. Copy this chart to your process mining app.

Copy the two variable input boxes from the sheet "Ad hoc Lead Time" to get the min to min option for lead time calculation.