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What's new in MPM August 2021?



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Since August 2021 the MPM Release installation files are provided in the MPM Support Portal


Take the chance and get to know MPM August 2021 by our process mining specialists on the 9th of August 2021..








bPMN Modeler


Saves the current selection in local storage.

Updates view without apply selection in process analyzer.

Hides edit palette by default and shows it with button in toolbar.

Header bars

othat show which BPMN is shown (generated or imported).

oand the number of process variants and number of cases for the generated BPMN.

Center viewport function and palette layout improved.


Process Analyzer


MasterItems are now supported.

Coloring option for nodes, edges and groups are added.


Happy Path variable.

Multi-Language formatting.

Patch 1: Update Properties and Set MultiLang Props (wrong field references fixed).

Patch 1: The master items are reset to default values when the sheet is changed.




The non-reload on a tab change in the container object is fixed.




The non-reload on a tab change in the container object is fixed

Patch 1: Better performance.


MPM Template App

TEMPlate app & MPM Scripts


New sheet: BPMN Modeler - Spare time in the creation of BPMN files by using the discovered process graph.

New sheet: Tactical Dashboard.

Root Cause Analysis works for open processes as well. The new variable mvRCAForFinishedProcessOnly controls whether RCA is performed on all or closes processes only.

New field ActivityStartDate & new table MasterCalendar_Events_$(mvProcessDesc) to improve Activity Start Date analysis. The call for the master calendar calculation has been adapted accordingly in the template app.

The Process Monitoring, Root Cause Analysis, Conformance Checking, Resource Log and Custom Lead Time Analysis worksheets are hidden if they not do contain data.

The conformance checking tab allows the possibility to select and deselect happy paths for the conformance checking.


Minor translation errors were fixed.

Comparison Sheet: The automation rate has been corrected.

Conformance Checking: Text box content is corrected.

The factory and shift calender defines weekend-days by a variable mvWeekEndDays. Thus, when the dayname-abbreviation are changed to another language the definition of weekends can be adapted.


Sheet improvements:

oRoot Cause Analysis Sheet structured newly.The "anomalies" have been renamed to "optimization potentials". The description of the optimization potentials have changed and thresholds for the long/short running cases/custom lead times and low process governance are now freely selectable.

oStrategic Dashboard: arrows added for the variance to indicate the KPI/PPI development & the integration with Template App is finished (I would like / find an answer is now available on the Analysis Scope)

oTarget Process Benchmarking: workflow optimization: The right part is again in the default state. Thus, the benchmark is automatically applied to the selection in the rest of the app.

oThe Ad hoc Lead Time Sheet now includes the option to calculate the lead times with the configuration min to min.

oThe sheet Application Performance analyzes the performance log by single modules and configuration type.


KPI improvements:

oAdjustment of the automation rate: Unknown resource information on activities no longer leads to 0% but to null() as automation rate.

oPerformance optimization: measures use Real User/Real Node for faster counting were possible.

oAdaption of the formula for Process Homogeneity (5 cases with 5 process variants lead to same result as 50 cases with 50 process variants).


Performance improvements:

oThe index exclusion was intensified.

oThe format fields from the tables CaseTimes and EventTimes were deleted from the data model.

oThe master items have been optimized. Events are now summed via RealNode, which saves a set expression.

oIn the default mode a reduced data model is now loaded. The EventTimes table, and the ProcessPathWithLoops, nextActivityType, nextActivityID, nextActivityTimestamp, previousActivityType, previousActivityTypeID and previousActivityTomestamp are only loaded if the new variable mvLoadLargeDataModel is set to 1.

oNew option to load Timestamps without seconds and, thus, reduce data volume.

oMore fields are excluded in the index creation.


Chart improvements:

oColoring in Dimension Analysis chart (Sheet Analysis of Custom Lead Time).

oAdjust graph - KPI1 & KPI2 by dimension - put both metrics on one axis (Ad Hoc Lead Time Analysis).

oDelete subheading for more space in the analysis (Process Mining Sheet, Process Variants and Activities Sheet).

oAdd alternative dimension (Process Mining Sheet).

oMonth Year and Date as alternative dimensions for the Lead Time Evolution Diagram (Process  Mining Dashboard.

oThe dimension user pattern is now precalculated in the script. Therefore, it is now available in the front end.


The dimension table for the RCA can be changed via a central variable, Thus, typical user errors are prevented.

Improved error messages for missing MPM scripts.

Unused variables and master visualizations are deleted.

The RCA is performed for all cases in default - not only closed cases. To load it for closed cases only the variable mvRCAForFinishedProcessOnly is set to 1.

The conformance checking tab is reduced, the tables HappyPathTable and HappyPathDescription are merged.




MPM Import Wizard




The BPMN Import-Wizard supports the upload of BPMN files to MPM Template Apps without the need to do the scripting by yourself.

The workflow of the BPMN Import-Wizard is self-explaining and documented step-by-step in the Wizard.

For an installation guide see Install BPMN Import.

For a user guide see Use the BPMN Import Wizard.


Patch 1: BPMN models with AND-gateway generate happy paths with OR-gateways

Patch 1: MPM-start and MPM-end activities are ignored in the mapping.

Patch 1: Wizard only filters apps from workspace for editing


Patch 1: The mapping workflow is simplified.

Patch 1: BPMN-start & end-events are excluded from the mapping in default.

Patch 1: BPMN-events are added as activities.

Patch 1: Non-mapped BPMN activites are added to the AL_Activity list.






Root Cause Analysis:  new configuration parameters.


Patch 1: App link for multi-node environment .


Improved message output.

Improved status management.





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