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What's new in MPM December 2022?



Webinar On Demand "What's New?"


Take the chance and get to know MPM December 2022 by watching the webinar that will be published by our process mining specialists on the 2nd of February 2023.





Since March 2022, MPM releases published before 2021 have been deleted from the documentation. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.





Process Analyzer


Object-Centric Process Mining capabilities, including filtering of object types


Master item label update

Empty groups


Dialog Box


Show selection buttons


Query Builder


Reset of activities in query


Process activity filter


PAF on published sheets


Background color of check boxes is always green when selected


process variants inspector


Sorting of process paths

Selection of process paths

Labels of activities


Lead Time Filter


Usage of alternate states

Multiple LTFs on one sheet

Defaults are not loading


Grouped Container


Info description of charts that are not displayed

Show selection buttons

Update of master items


Process Modeler


Reset of activities in query



MPM Theme

MPM theme


More color variables for easier configuration


MPM Scripts



MPM Scripts, Data Editor & Data Model


Check for existing master items


MPM Template App

TEMPlate app


The Template App gives the option to do object-centric process mining to facilitate process analysis, read more in the section Traditional and Object-Centric Process Mining

oOne OCPM-specific sheet was added

oSome master visualizations in the tool bar change their purpose depending on the ocpm- or traditional appraoch

oOCPM-filters for objects and links have been added to the sheets


Translations, labels and master measures have been fixed in the top time saving potentials chart


Some unused master visualizations have been removed

A Korean translation was added to the Template App

The date picker in the front-end shows time range instead of single date

The benchmarking sheet was improved

oThe currently selected selection are shown in the ProcessAnalyzer titles for better orientation

oThe deviation color of the ProcessAnalyzer on the right side was changed so that the Comparison/benchmarking of the two processes becomes clearer

oA new pivot table for direct PPI comparison was added






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